Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Sitting Pretty

Imagine my surprise when I went to go get Emma up from her nap and I found her like this..

Now, it may not seem like a big deal to see her sitting in her crib, however for Emma, it is a huge milestone.
This is the first time EVER that she has gone from laying down to sitting up, all by herself. It is something we have been working on, but like many other things, I felt like it would never come. She is apparently getting the hang of it because she did it two other times tonight. Go Emma! Mommy is so very proud of you!!

We had a very nice time at the Hotel Ruby Marie. It is a cute bed and breakfast close to the capitol. It used to be a hotel that has been renovated. There is some history to the building and it has beautiful woodwork.

I would have liked to go to the capitol at night to snap some pictures, but I did get these pictures.

We also went to Mad City Church. Our friends who live in Madison go there and we decided it would be a great opportunity to meet up with them and check out the church. It was a great time with awesome praise and worship and a good guest speaker.

Sam continues to be a joy to have around. I am almost convinced that he could probably start speaking in full sentences if he wants to. While I was giving him a bath, Emma was standing up by the tub and trying to get my attention and I said "Can I help you?" and he repeated what I said, not quite as clear, but clear enough so I knew what he had said. What is up with that? I try and try to get him to say stuff and he just looks at me like I am crazy and then when I am not even talking to him, he spits stuff out like that!

We are also working on the alphabet. I had gotten a set of flashcards at Walmart and now he is getting more into the pictures. Some days all of the letters are "A" some days everything is "E" and other days he will say the letters pretty good. And he is getting better at the pictures too. He is at a great age. Thankfully, he has not had any "terrible two" moments. Though someone told me that they thought that 3 was worse that 2, so we will see.

It is supposed to be in the 30's tomorrow, Praise the Lord! Unfortunately, that really won't hang around. They are calling for temps in the single digits again this weekend:( Oh well, spring will come eventually!

God Bless!

1 comment:

  1. What a big girl! And you are right, things like this are a HUGE deal, milestones really take on a bigger significance :) Good job, Emma!
