Thursday, August 27, 2009

Worthy Cause

Our friends Matt and Jamie Wallace, who lost their daughter Nevaeh back in April, have come up with a beautiful way to honor her and keep her memory alive.

Playroom of Hope is a room that is in the new building at Children's Hospital. It is currently being used as offices but as soon as the money is raised, it will be turned into a room for the kids in the hospital and their siblings to go and hang out. Please consider giving to this most worthy cause.

Remember them in your prayers as well. They do have a CaringBridge Website that Matt continues to update to help in the healing process.

Thank you,

The Next Ancil Adams? Or Mr. Mom?

Sam got a hold of my mother-in-law's camera. At first he was just pretending to take pictures, complete with the clicking sounds. Then he figured out how to turn it on, pop the flash and then he snapped a few pictures. He also got a hold of our point and shoot camera and took a few self portraits.

He also likes to "gack-yoom", aka vacuum. And he likes to use various items to vacuum.

As you can see, he can also multi-task. Gotta start them young!


Emma has been in therapy for 1 year. It is amazing the progress she has made. We went from her not being able to do anything, to her walking in one year, an answer to prayers! There has been times when she has been a pistol, not wanting to do what we wanted her. She is totally a girl who will do things on her own time. We would try anything to get her to roll over, then one day, she just starts rolling. Same thing with crawling and walking. You should see her tear it up now. I would say she is walking 90% of the time and she gets so excited when we cheer her on.

Her therapist brought us some biker shorts that should help strengthen her hips as well. We are so thankful for the progress she has made so far. The therapist says we can go to every other week or once a month now for her sessions because we just really need to work on refining her walking skills, then work on jumping and getting her on her tip toes among a few other things.

God is so good!

Big, Beautiful Smiles

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Posted by Picasa

And I fall in love all over again!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

All Growed Up



He can be such a little ham. I love his curls but it was getting to long and it gets so snarly in the back. Every time I would try to comb it, he would say "Sorry, sorry." as I was trying to get thru the curly mess. I think his face looks thinner too. He is growing way to fast!

And this little one.....

Don't let her fool you.....

I'm just saying.

Have a great day!

Surgery Date

The date for my surgery is August 11th at 7:30am. I have to be there 2 hours before that so we will likely spend the night near the hospital so we don't have to leave here at 4am. I am a little nervous about the surgery but I know everything is in God's hands and I just need to give my fears to Him.

I have some appointments next week to meet with the high risk anaesthesiologist and to meet with the surgeon's nurse pracitioner to go over everything with the surgery, recovery time, etc.

They will try to do the surgery laproscopically(sp?) but if they can't, then they will have to cut me open. I believe the surgeon said depending on how they do the surgery, I will be in the hospital 2-5 days. Of course recovery time will depend on how they end up doing the surgery as well.

The doctors are still adjusting my medications to make sure things will go smoothly as possible during surgery. I have not noticed any side effects of them changing my meds. My pulse has been higher than normal but other than that, I have been feeling pretty good.

May God Bless you today,


Monday, July 6, 2009

Praise reports and Prayer Requests

This will be short tonight with another update coming hopefully tomorrow.

First, our baby girl has taken her first steps unassisted. For any parent, it is super exciting, but given everything we have been through with Emma, it makes it that much more special and exciting. She took 3 steps toward my mother-in-law on Friday night as I lay on the couch sick from a kidney infection. I was supposed to work, but had called in because I was so sick to my stomach and had a fever that would range from 100 to 102.5. I am OVERJOYED that I got to see her take those steps.

She took a few more that night, mostly just 1 step here and there. She did a little bit more on Saturday between Dennis and I. Now I don't think it will be long at all.

For me, as I mentioned in my last post, I was seeing a Endocrinologist about my Pheochromocytoma. I had a CT scan done in June and it showed a 6+cm tumor on my right adrenal gland. I have met with the surgeon and the plan is to remove it some time in August after our vacation. They are playing a bit with my medication, prepping me for the surgery so hopefully my blood pressure won't go all crazy during surgery.

Thank you for your thoughts and prayers, we truly treasure them.

God Bless


Tuesday, June 2, 2009


Or lack of motivation is more like it.

I really have not had any interest in blogging lately and I have not even been blogging that long.

So many things going on. I had an appointment yesterday with an Endocrinologist. It was more of a consult actually. I had some tests done earlier in May to hopefully figure out why my blood pressure was spiking at times when I was just sitting at the computer or playing with the kids.

They determined that I may have Pheochromocytoma. Great, I thought. Let's add another disease to my list. It is very rare, like only 800 people or so are diagnosed with it each year. Basically it is a tumor that is growing on one(or both) of the adrenal glands and it causing pressure on the veins and making the blood pressure rise.

The tumors can be related to the Neurofibromatosis , which I was diagnosed with back in 2001. So the geneticist that Sam and Emma saw was right on when she suggested that there may be a tumor causing my high blood pressure.

Good news is that it is usually treated by surgery and once the tumor is gone, the blood pressure will likely return to normal, or at least I should be able to get off most of my medications.

I have a CT scan scheduled for June 15th to determine how things look and I will see the Endocrinologist again on June 29th to see where we go from there.

Emma is close to walking. She has been pulling up on furniture or the walls for a couple of weeks now. She can also get up on the couch by herself for the most part and has just recently how to get down. She can also get down off our bed by herself, though she usually will end up on her butt. At least she does it gracefully, which she did not get from me!

Sam is talking a little bit more, still not as much as I think he should be, but he still is learning and can do most of the alphabet flash cards we have with the pictures. We will see what the doctor says at this next appointment.

Not much else new to report for now. Please remember to keep
Nevaeh's family in your prayers. They are really struggling with the loss of their beautiful girl. I know of too many people who have lost babies in the last few years and it does not seem fair. I know God is with them, but it does not make it any easier to understand.

I will leave you with a few pictures of my sweet ones.

Good Night and God Bless

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Heavy Heart

It is with a heavy heart that I am writing this.

Our friends Matt and Jamie lost their beautiful 14 month old girl Nevaeh today. She was born with a heart defect and was doing so well. Tuesday she was admitted to the hospital. They were hoping it was just a virus but later learned that she was in heart failure.

They had started her on some medication hoping that her heart would recover some of the function. The doctors released her and were planning on watching her closely hoping she would be able to qualify for her 3rd heart surgery.

From what I have heard, she was at home with Jamie this morning when she stopped breathing and was taken by ambulance to the hospital where they tried to resuscitate her. Matt and Jamie asked them to stop after an hour. They were able to spend some time holding her afterwards.

We were all praying for God to heal her heart and He did. I just wish He did not have to take her home to do it.

Please take a moment to pray for this sweet family. They do have a CaringBridge website if you feel led to leave them a message.

God Bless,

Friday, March 27, 2009

Few more pictures, prayer request

Eventually she will learn not to mess with Sam's stuffed cow!

We would appreciate your prayers for my mom. She was in the ER for a few hours today with a irregular heartbeat and has been diagnosed with PSVT. She is on some meds now and has a follow up appointment on Monday to see where to go from here.

Stellan is also in the hospital for this. Please take a moment to go to this link and lift up this sweet boy and his family in prayer as well. If you have not read his story, it is worth taking some time over at MckMama's blog.

Have a Blessed night!

Return of Yoda and other cute pics

So I started this post on Monday and I am just getting around to finishing in now and it will be short because it was late and Emma was up at 4:30 in the morning.

Hard to believe March is almost over. Things have not changed much around here lately. Between working at the restaurant, working from home and raising two little ones, I don't have much free time.

My husband has been off for the month of March and will be going back to work on Tuesday. I will miss his help around here, especially when it comes time for me to do my work-from-home stuff.

Potty training with Sam is going well. He still does not tell us if he has to go, but he does not put up a fight when we say it is time to go sit down and he will usually go within a few minutes. He stands up when he is down and says "Cookie, Cookie!" His hands start to shake when we bring out the treat because he is so excited, it is pretty cute!

Emma is getting quicker at crawling all over. She is getting stronger at pulling herself up, but most times she does need assistance. Though if how quick she started crawling is any indication, she may be walking sooner than we think!

Hope you enjoy the pictures,

God Bless

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


Once again I really have been slacking in the blogging world. I don't know where the time goes.

My little ones are sharing a room for the first time tonight. We finally decided to try and put them together and see how they do. I can still hear Sam talking away. I think Emma is sleeping, I have not heard her in a while. It is fun just to listen to them go on and on.

We saw Emma's GI doctor yesterday and he gave the word that she could switch over to whole milk. NO MORE STINKY FORMULA!!! We still have to add more calories to her milk by adding whipping cream or we can use the Carnation Instant Breakfast. He also said we could use Pedisure, which is pricy and he said it is very sweet as well. I have also heard that it can mess up kids teeth, especially ones that are just getting their teeth.

Emma also has started to crawl in the last two weeks or so. It is so exciting to see her go. She is getting faster all the time. She is also starting to pull herself up if we are holding her hands and can pull herself up to her knees in her crib or the bathtub. She is also enjoying Cheerios, especially the Fruity ones and her Geber puffs. We are trying to move her along with her foods and textures and that is always an adventure. She stills gags quite often so we have to take baby steps.

Sam is talking more and more. He is repeating us more than anything but at least he is getting the hang of it. He also has taken to wanting us to feed him. He will take a few bites by himself and then he says "All done." So I will try a few tricks to get him to take a few more bites. I know this is because he sees me feeding Emma and wants to be a "baby" but it still is a bit frustrating!

We had an appointment for both of them and they were both diagnosed with
Neurofibromatosis. It appears they will have a very mild case like me and they will just be followed once a year or so as long as there are no other problems.

I found something interesting out about myself as I was talking to the doctor. She would like me to get some extra tests done to see if the Neurofibromatosis is causing some of my high blood pressure problems. I was really surprised that she took the time to talk to me about this when the appointment was for my kids. Another reason why we LOVE Children's Hospital!!!

We were also able to have dinner with some of Emma's nurses while we were down there for her appointments this last month. It is always great to see them and let them love on Emma again.

We had a great day on Saturday with my family. My sister and her family was up from Georgia and my other sisters and their families came down from Stevens Point. We hung out all day. Had some fabulous soup, salad and bread for lunch and some delicious spaghetti with homemade sauce and meatballs with more bread and salad for dinner. Don't forget the cupcakes and chocolate cake(with chocolate frosting of course!) There was an impromptu couples fooseball tournament in which my husband and I lost in the first round so we were out. It brought me back to the Ping-Pong tournament at my sister and brother-in-law's house, though D took second in that!

I think I may call it a night, though I am tempted to do the dishes tonight so I don't have to face them tomorrow.

Also,if you think of it, please pray for my sister. She had an interview to teach at a college so if she gets that job, they will be moving back here, well, at least our state!

Thanks and God Bless!


Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day, Happy Birthday!

I would like to wish a few people Happy Birthday today.

My mom
My cousin

It is a super special day for Nevaeh as it is her first birthday. It is amazing to see this little girl grow and change all the time. She was born withHLHS but you would never know it. You can keep up with her progress here. We hope you have a great time at your party and we wish we could be there!

Emma is doing very well. There was no obstruction in her bowels, which is an answer to prayers. She was just constipated, but not after the study, it cleaned her out quite well. All over her clothes and my pants. Oh well, not the first time and it won't be the last!

I ended up having shingles. I went to the doctor on Monday for the lump in my neck and he did some blood work to rule out anything with the lymph nodes. He figured it may be related to my neurofibromatosis. Tuesday I got a rash on my chin so I just put some cream on it, but Thursday morning it was all blistered so I went back to the doctor and he said it was shingles. I got some medicine and the rash is better now, but I still have some pain, though that is getting better too.

Have a great day!
God Bless,

Sunday, February 1, 2009


We went down on Thursday for an x-ray for Emma and when the doctor called back, he said there could be some problems. She does have a moderate amount of poop in her yet. What could be cause of this is constipation or sometimes when they reconnect the intestines back together, it can narrow causing a partial obstruction. If this is the case, she may require surgery.

We are giving her Miralax and then we go back for a barium study followed by an appointment with her surgeon.

The Miralax finally started to work things out, so now we just have to wait until next Monday to see where things go from here.

My niece did break her collarbone and is in a sling. The doctor said that it would only take about 2 weeks to heal. If only all broken bones only took two weeks to heal! You can see some pictures and read more about it at Montgomery Musings.

I have a prayer request for myself as well. Today I found a lump on my neck. It is pretty good sized and my aunt did not think it was a swolloen lymph node. It is causing some pain at times and some headaches, which I rarely get. I have an appointment next week with my kidney doctor so I will see what he says about it.

I think that about raps it up for now. I do have some pictures to post of the kids, but I will have to do that tomorrow.

Take care and God Bless,


Thursday, January 29, 2009

Another Prayer Request

I forgot to post this earlier.

I talked to my sister today and my niece Ankica, fell out of bed and broke her collarbone. They are waiting to see the orthepedic doctor to see what they want to do. My sister thought they would just put her in a sling.

Her blog is MontgomeryMusings.

Thanks again and take care


Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Prayer Request

I have a prayer request for Emma. She has had some issues with pooping recently and we will hopefully be going for an x-ray tomorrow to see what is up.

Thank you and we will keep you posted.

Take care and God Bless,


Monday, January 26, 2009

Happy Birthday!

I did not get a chance to post this on Saturday.
It was my dad's birthday and we went to my parents for a yummy dinner and some super yummy cake, Brown-Eyed Susan Cake. Two of my sisters and their families were able to come. We are praying that my older sister and her family will be moving to be closer to us soon.

My mom got my dad a fooseball(sp?)table so I am sure that there will may games played when we get together.

Happy Birthday Dad!

Love Jo

Fun Quiz to take!

I got this quiz from work and thought it would be fun to pass it along to you.


Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Sitting Pretty

Imagine my surprise when I went to go get Emma up from her nap and I found her like this..

Now, it may not seem like a big deal to see her sitting in her crib, however for Emma, it is a huge milestone.
This is the first time EVER that she has gone from laying down to sitting up, all by herself. It is something we have been working on, but like many other things, I felt like it would never come. She is apparently getting the hang of it because she did it two other times tonight. Go Emma! Mommy is so very proud of you!!

We had a very nice time at the Hotel Ruby Marie. It is a cute bed and breakfast close to the capitol. It used to be a hotel that has been renovated. There is some history to the building and it has beautiful woodwork.

I would have liked to go to the capitol at night to snap some pictures, but I did get these pictures.

We also went to Mad City Church. Our friends who live in Madison go there and we decided it would be a great opportunity to meet up with them and check out the church. It was a great time with awesome praise and worship and a good guest speaker.

Sam continues to be a joy to have around. I am almost convinced that he could probably start speaking in full sentences if he wants to. While I was giving him a bath, Emma was standing up by the tub and trying to get my attention and I said "Can I help you?" and he repeated what I said, not quite as clear, but clear enough so I knew what he had said. What is up with that? I try and try to get him to say stuff and he just looks at me like I am crazy and then when I am not even talking to him, he spits stuff out like that!

We are also working on the alphabet. I had gotten a set of flashcards at Walmart and now he is getting more into the pictures. Some days all of the letters are "A" some days everything is "E" and other days he will say the letters pretty good. And he is getting better at the pictures too. He is at a great age. Thankfully, he has not had any "terrible two" moments. Though someone told me that they thought that 3 was worse that 2, so we will see.

It is supposed to be in the 30's tomorrow, Praise the Lord! Unfortunately, that really won't hang around. They are calling for temps in the single digits again this weekend:( Oh well, spring will come eventually!

God Bless!

Friday, January 16, 2009

You have heard of Crazy Horse...

Let me introduce.... Crazy Hair

Her hair usually does this after a bath and it is still like that today. Right now her hair is still pretty fine and I am praying that she will have thicker hair like her daddy. But the poor girl will probably end up with fine thin hair like me:(
Sam, dressing up like Mr. Potato Head...

The next James Dean maybe...

And this one...

needs a caption. Anyone care to write one? No prizes to giveaway, just a little acknowledgement from yours truly:)

Take care

Coffe for the Troops!

I found this website where you can send coffee to our troops overseas. Check out the website here. And the BEST part is, the coffee shop pays for the shipping! How cool is that? It is only $7.99 per bag. I think that is a great deal and a small price to pay for the service that they are doing for our country. Please consider sending Coffee2Troops!

Click here to send Coffee2Troops

Please take a moment to send our troops one of the many luxuries they go without while serving our country!

God Bless

Monday, January 12, 2009

Time Flies...

When you are chasing small ones, changing diapers, wiping noses and what not. I thought I would get to the computer sooner than this to blog but the days just run together sometimes!

Emma is continuing to move more. She can pretty much turn herself all the way around in a circle while she is sitting up. Unless of course, Sam comes up to here and pushes her backward. Then she is flat on her back screaming bloody murder. Sometimes, he tries to help her up, which is cute to see, but she usually ends up crying more. Sam is crying by this time too because he gets in trouble for pushing her over. I feel sorry for the people who live below us sometimes!

Sam's language skills have really exploded just in the last two weeks or so. Today, I heard a lot of "Peek, I see you!" which I think he got from the activity table. I also heard "thank you" and even a faint, "love you" tossed in the mix. He had said "I love you" to me back in the fall, but I have not been able to get him to say it since.

We have our 4th anniversary coming up this week. And it is no big surprise that it is almost as cold now as it was the day we got married. I think it was -6 degrees that day! Hard to believe it has been that long already. I told him the other day that the first year went slower than the last 3 years. Sam was born shortly before our 2nd anniversary and Emma before our 3rd and here we are already at our 4th. Do the years go by quicker the longer you are married or is it just because we have had 2 kids close together?

We are planning on going out of town and my mother-in-law will be watching the kids. Should be a great time. We are going to go to Red Robin , courtesey of a gift card from somebody at church. Dennis is very excited about this because he is a BIG fan of BIG burgers and they do have some huge burgers.

I would like to talk him into the Melting Pot, but I think it might be a wiser choice to go the Red Robin seeing as we do have the gift card. Maybe for my birthday...

Pray for Sam as he is sick again. Nothing to serious, just a cough and a runny nose. Pray that he does not pass it onto Emma.

I tried to post a video of them blowing kisses, but it did not work. I was planning on posting some pictures, but I have a sick little boy waiting for his mamma, so I must go.

Take Care,


Friday, January 9, 2009

Picture Keeper Giveaway!

Head on over to Deal Seeking Mom to enter her great giveaway. Enter by January 13th at 11:59pm.(Eastern time)

A great day to keep all of your photos in one safe place.

Deal Seeking Mom

Good Luck!


Children's Place Gift Card Giveaway!

Check it out! Go to and leave a comment on her blog to enter to win a $30 gift card from Children's Place. The hardest part is trying to pick a favorite item!

Good Luck!
Remember to enter by January 17th at 9:00pm to qualify!


Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Potty Training and Blowing Kisses

That is what is new around here lately.

The potty training, well let's just say it going. We have been at it for a little over a month and he goes at least once a day but we usually give him a big glass of water or milk to get him to go. Is that wrong? This is our first attempt at potty training and I have heard that training boys is harder than girls. So any suggestions would be appreciated!

My husband worked with a guy who was having a hard time training his daughter. She had this stuffed bear that was her favorite toy. So they ended up putting Mountain Dew and Baby Ruth candy bars in her little toliet and put the bear on there and told her the bear "went" on the toliet and from that day on, she wanted to go on the toliet. We may have to implement that someday with Sam's cow if we don't get anywhere!

I had just gotten Emma up from her nap when Dennis came home and she just blew him a kiss! It is not something we had worked on with her, but Sam is always blowing kisses when it is time to go somewhere. It was super sweet, just like her. Well most of the time anyway! She is starting to move a little more now. At least she has started to roll over and pull her one arm out from under her. And just a little while ago, she actually rolled over from her back to her tummy to her back again, which I have not seen her do in months!(Unless I help her do it, which usually does not make her happy!)
She will have her therapy again on Friday so hopefully she will do some of her new tricks for the therapist.

We took our tree down today and I was vacuuming up the needles with our smaller vacuum which I let Sam play with after I was done. He played with it for 2 hours, pushing it around the apartment, up and down the hall, happy as a lark. At least it kept him busy while I did the dishes and whatnot.

I will try to get Emma on video blowing her kisses and Sam also has a special talent that I will try to get him on video as well, though that is not going very well because every time I get camera ready, he won't do it. So we will see how that goes!

A few Christmas pictures, of course we could not get them to look at the camera and smile at the same time.

Have a great night!
God Bless, Jodi