Wednesday, December 15, 2010


I can't believe that my last post was in February! I can't believe that it is almost Christmas! I can't believe it is almost the end of the year! I can't believe that my kids are 14, 12, 4 and 3! I can't believe we will celebrate our 6th anniversary in a month! I can't believe I actually might have a house to call HOME!!

LOVE this hat!

It is amazing how kids change so much in a year. Both Sam and Emma are potty trained. This process went SO smoothly for both of them, I still scratch my head sometimes. I was terrified that Emma was going to take forever, but she was actually a little quicker than what Sam was. We tried with Emma about 10 months ago, but she would freak out when we tried to put her on either the big or little potty chair. So we stopped that for a while and in October we tried again and it was about 3 weeks that she was fully trained. Sam was about a month. Neither of them have had many accidents. Sam has never woken up wet or dirty from naptime or in the morning. Emma has wet the bed twice which isn't bad at all. Just another small way God blesses me:)

Hopefully I can get into the swing of posting more frequently. My kids are growing up so fast and I want to document that and some of the funny things they say and do before I forget it all! And I have forgotten alot already :(